Best Foods for Weight Lifters


Our bodies react in different ways to the different types of food and supplements we consume. Taking an anabolic steroid has the potential to enhance your performance but you also need a good diet to help sustain your muscle growth and fitness level. The following foods are ideal for doing just that:

  • Meat – as long as it’s lean. Weight lifting requires protein and lean meat is a fantastic source. However, red meat and processed red meat have been shown to have health risks, so going with protein sources such as chicken and turkey are the healthier choice.
  • Dairy – as long as it’s low-fat. Not only does dairy have the muscle-building amino acids found in protein, it also has calcium which is ideal for both muscle and bone maintenance. Skim milk powder is a popular option for weight lifters. It can be easily added to protein shakes and also provides vitamin D, another important element in bone health.
  • Seafood and fish-Oily fish such as salmon and sardines are a rich source of Omega-3 fatty acids which are extremely important for overall health, especially for the brain and heart. Shrimp and crab provide iodine, a mineral essential for body growth and development. Avoid large fish including shark, swordfish and tilefish which often have high concentrations of mercury and other pollutants.
  • Vegetables – It’s not all about the meat and protein. Weightlifters still need plenty of a wide variety of vegetables in order to get the antioxidants and nutrients the body needs for energy and protection from free radical damage. Vegetables are packed with anti-cancer agents and are essential for good health.
  • Red wine – A glass a day for women and two for men is perfect for getting the heart-healthy benefits of resveratrol and other antioxidants.